Berlin, 16.09.2001, Brandenburg Gate, solidarity rally for the USA after the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York on 11.09.2001; Edmund Stoiber (Prime Minister of Bavaria), Joschka Fischer (Foreign Minister), Gerhard Schröder (Federal Chancellor) and Wolfgang Thierse (President of the Bundestag) (from left to right)Angela Merkel and Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, 2011Angela Merkel and Barack Obama in Berlin, Federal Chancellery, 2013Queen Elizabeth II at the reception by the Federal President Joachim Gauck in Berlin’s Bellevue Castle, 2015Angela Merkel and Donald Trump at the G20 Summit in Hamburg, 2017“Fridays for Future” – Demonstration with the Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, 2019The recently re-elected French President Emmanuel Macron visits Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin, 2022Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the press conference in the Federal Chancellery Berlin, 2023